City Announces New Program to Assist Small Businesses
June 3, 2020
NAWBO CBUS Seeks Development Director
June 8, 2020Black and brown people have been subjected to exploitation, persecution, and other depravities for centuries in this country and around the world. NAWBO Columbus exists to empower women, another historically disenfranchised population, to realize the American dream of owning a business and making their mark on the world. This includes ALL of our sisters of every race, ethnicity, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, creed, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, disability, military status and socioeconomic status.
NAWBO Columbus exists to support and stand in solidarity to denounce the marginalization of ANYONE. We stand together to remind everyone that all lives cannot matter until Black Lives Matter too. This is why your NAWBO Columbus proudly joined more than 750 Columbus business and organization leaders to support Columbus City Council in Resolution #0095X-2020 put forward by Council member Priscilla Tyson declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis. We ask you to join us by reading the letter and signing your name too.
In our anguish, we will not stand idly by while disparities are continued to be tolerated and inequalities ignored. We are here to let you know that “We hear you” and will not allow social injustices to continue to negatively impact OUR business and social communities. NAWBO Columbus will continue to provide empowerment through our mission in Advocacy to influence opinion-makers and changing public policy to level the playing field and create a more inclusive economy; in Community by fostering a supportive community of role models and partners, creating lasting relationships that breed courage and inspire confidence; and also in Transformation by providing insights and resources necessary to learn as individuals, grow our businesses and transform the economic, political and social systems holding us back. Diversity is a core value of NAWBO Columbus and will continue to be as we move forward, learn, educate and empower.
Humanity is witnessing the continuation of the largest civil rights movement in our Nation’s history. NAWBO Columbus stands with this movement. We support it wholeheartedly and without reservation. All people of good conscience and moral character must all stand together and use what platform and privilege we have to ensure the oppressed are heard.
The time is now for the Dream to become a reality—UNITED WE STAND AND DIVIDED WE FALL
For Equality, Justice and Peace –#BlackLivesMatter
Your NAWBO Columbus Board of Directors,
Betty Collins, NAWBO Columbus President
Michelle Casper, NAWBO Columbus President-Elect
Tonya Tiggett, NAWBO Columbus Past President
Sheri Chaney-Jones, NAWBO Columbus Vice President
Maritza S. Nelson, NAWBO Columbus Treasurer
Babiya Polk, Secretary
Mikaela Hunt, VP of Public Policy
Stefanie Fox Jackson, VP of Roundtables
K. Zulene Adams, VP of Communications
Christine S. Dilley, VP of Corporate Partners
Katy Tombaugh, VP of Membership
Karlena Wallace, VP of Programming