NAWBO/ADP Survey & Advocacy Agenda Open Forum- February 28 at 12 p.m
February 13, 2023
2023 Visionary Awards – May 4th
March 3, 2023The Ohio Department of Development announced that $10 million in grant funding remains available to support minority- and women-owned Ohio businesses grow and expand their operations.
The Women’s Business Enterprise Loan Program and Ohio Micro- Loan Program are priority initiatives of the DeWine-Husted Administration and were included in the 2022-2023 operating budget, which was passed in by the Ohio General Assembly in June 2021.
“Everyone needs to share in Ohio’s success,” Development Director Lydia Mihalik said. “These loans to minority-and women-owned small business lift families and communities by creating jobs and opportunity across our state.”
In 2022, more than $9.34 million in loans were dispersed to more than 100 minority- and women-owned businesses through the program.
Michelle Filler, owner of Duke’s K9 Dash-N-Splash, LLC. in Windham, received $500,000 from the Women’s Business Enterprise Loan Program. The funds will be used to build a doggie play and shampoo park.
Crystal Kendrick, owner of Black-owned and WBE-certified marketing consulting firm The Voice of Your Customer in Cincinnati, received $45,000 from the Ohio Micro-Loan Program and $81,317 from the Women’s Business Enterprise Loan Program. The funds were used to purchase a commercial building in her community.
Keland Logan, owner of Emerald City Construction Company, a low-impact green infrastructure company in Youngstown, received $45,000 from the Ohio Micro-Loan program. The funds will be used to train, hire, and teach ex-offenders a skilled trade.
More than $4.6 million remains available through the Women’s Business Enterprise Loan Program, and more than $6.5 million through the Ohio Micro-Loan Program.
The loans are administered by Development’s Minority Business Development Division. Information about the loans and other capital programs can be found online at Minority.Ohio.Gov. Start the loan application process here.
Businesses can reach out to a Minority Business Assistance Center near them for help with the application process and assistance with business planning, access to capital, and state business certifications. For more information about the MBAC network, visit MBAC.Development.Ohio.Gov.