August Monthly Meeting; with Special Guest Lt. Governor Jon Husted
July 10, 2020
Ohio Releases $10 Million in Microloans for MBE, EDGE and other eligible small businesses
July 15, 2020Monday, September 21, 2020 – 6:00am – Wednesday, September 23, 2020 – 9:00pm
The Theme
Everyone wants to be courageous in life and business. But what does your brave look like? It’s different for everyone, but as women business owners, we have left comfortable jobs to start our own ventures. We have done business the world over. We have met with senators and members of Congress. We have sat on executive boards. We have taken major financial risks. Whatever “brave” means to you, this year’s theme of “Brave Is” will help you put yourself out there, push through fears and say “yes” to life and business even more.
Registration Costs
Member Virtual Experience: $195
NonMember Virtual Experience: $250
Includes Live Stream and OnDemand of Annual Membership Meeting, 2 General Sessions and Breakouts, Virtual Resources, Matchmaking Opportunities, and Conference Swag Bag