Nominations are OPEN- 2020 Member of the Year & Business Champion
June 23, 2020
August Monthly Meeting; with Special Guest Lt. Governor Jon Husted
July 10, 2020Dear NAWBO Nation!
The summer brings the annual changing of the guard for NAWBO Columbus. At our Monthly Meeting on August 13th, we’ll be officially swearing in the 2020-21 board of directors and kicking off a new year.
Please join me in thanking the following women for their service to NAWBO Columbus over the past years. They have given their time and talents to NAWBO Columbus, its members, partners and community while furthering our mission to empower all women business owners to overcome challenges, fully realize their true potential and make their mark on the world!
Tonya Tiggett
Tonya has served three years on the NAWBO Columbus board beginning with President Elect, President, and, most recently, Past President. Her leadership, passion & entrepreneurial drive have left a mark on the organization, members, partners and all those she served with. She is a fierce advocate for women business owners who lives her mantra of “Carpe Diem” and encourages others to do so too!
Tonya is Chief Success Strategist and Founder of Tiggett & Co, LLC
Karlena Wallace
For the past two years Karlena has served as VP of Programming and lead a programming committee that consistently brought in phenomenal speakers to educate and inspire! Karlena has insured that NAWBO Columbus has an impactful and diverse group of speakers that result in takeaways for all women business owners no matter their business size or industry. Karlena’s interview skills, photography and creative eye are just some the many gifts that she has so graciously shared with NAWBO Columbus.
Karlena is Executive Director of Girls Move Ahead, USA
Katy Tombaugh
Katy has served the last two years as VP of Membership. Katy’s energy, support and dedication have helped to grow and increase membership engagement. Most recently Katy stepped up to facilitate programming that has helped our members continue to connect virtually. Katy knows the importance of NAWBO Nation and has continued to help foster that sense of community with our members and guests.
Katy is the Founder & CEO of Wellness Collective
It has been a pleasure serving as president and I look forward to continuing my service as past-president. We have a dynamic group of women on the board that will no doubt strengthen and advance the mission of NAWBO Columbus in the upcoming year.
Betty Collins
Past President, NAWBO Columbus