NAWBO Cbus COVID-19 Survey Report

NAWBO CBUS Seeks Development Director
June 8, 2020
Columbus-Franklin County COVID-19 Small Business Response and Recovery Fund
June 10, 2020
NAWBO CBUS Seeks Development Director
June 8, 2020
Columbus-Franklin County COVID-19 Small Business Response and Recovery Fund
June 10, 2020

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), there were more than 306,000 women-owned businesses generating approximately $29 billion in revenues and contributing $9.5 billion in payroll annually, and creating 330,000 jobs in Ohio. To better understand the needs and impact of COVID-19 for this sector of Ohio’s economy, women business owners (WBOs) were invited to complete a survey sponsored by NAWBO Columbus and conducted by Measurement Resources Company during the first two weeks of May 2020. The purpose of the survey was to understand the impacts and the current needs of women-owned business as a result of COVID-19. The following report highlights the survey findings, which is representative of 78 WBOs.

Survey Results:  NAWBO Columbus COVID-19 Survey REPORT